6 Roots Of Unity

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6.(Primitive root of unity) is a primitive nth root of unity if it is an nth root of unity and 1;;:::; n 1 are all distinct. 7.(Primitive root of unity v2) = e2ˇik=nis a primitive nth root of unity i gcd(k;n) = 1. 8.(Cyclotomic polynomial) The nth cyclotomic polynomial, n(x), is the polynomial whose roots are the nth primitive roots of unity. 6.(Primitive root of unity) is a primitive nth root of unity if it is an nth root of unity and 1;;:::; n 1 are all distinct. 7.(Primitive root of unity v2) = e2ˇik=nis a primitive nth root of unity i gcd(k;n) = 1. 8.(Cyclotomic polynomial) The nth cyclotomic polynomial, n(x), is the polynomial whose roots are the nth primitive roots of unity.

Roots of Complex Numbers

Key Questions

  • To evaluate the #nth# root of a complex number I would first convert it into trigonometric form:
    and then use the fact that:
    Where #k=0..n-1#

    For example: consider #z=2+3.46i# and let us try #sqrt(z)#;
    #z# can be written as:
    Which gives, in total, two solutions.

  • Answer:

    If you express your complex number in polar form as #r(cos theta + i sin theta)#, then it has fourth roots:

    #alpha = root(4)(r)(cos (theta/4) + i sin (theta/4))#, #i alpha#, #-alpha# and #- i alpha#


    Given #a+ib#, let #r = sqrt(a^2+b^2)#, #theta = 'atan2'(b, a)#

    Then #a + ib = r (cos theta + i sin theta)#

    This has one #4th# root #alpha = root(4)(r)(cos (theta/4) + i sin (theta/4))#

    There are three other #4th# roots: #i alpha#, #-alpha# and #-i alpha#

  • A root of unity is a complex number that when raised to some positive integer will return 1.

    It is any complex number #z# which satisfies the following equation:

    #z^n = 1#

    where #n in NN#, which is to say that n is a natural number. A natural number is any positive integer: (n = 1, 2, 3, ...). This is sometimes referred to as a counting number and the notation for it is #NN#.

    For any #n#, there may be multiple #z# values that satisfy that equation, and those values comprise the roots of unity for that n.

    When #n = 1#
    Roots of unity: #1#

    When #n = 2#
    Roots of unity: #-1, 1#

    When #n = 3#
    Roots of unity = #1, (1 + sqrt(3)i)/2, (1 - sqrt(3)i)/2#

    When #n = 4#
    Roots of unity = #-1, i, 1, -i#

  • To evaluate the square root (and in general any root) of a complex number I would first convert it into trigonometric form:
    and then use the fact that:

    Where, in our case, #n=1/2# (remembering that #sqrt(x)=x^(1/2)#).
    To evaluate the #nth# root of a complex number I would write:

    Where #k=0..n-1#

    For example: consider #z=2+3.46i# and let us try #sqrt(z)#;
    #z# can be written as:
    Which gives, in total, two solutions.



  • 2Primitive root in modular arithmetic

Primitive root of unity

6 Roots Of Unity

A primitive root of unity of order $m$ in a field $K$ is an element $zeta$ of $K$ such that $zeta^m = 1$ and $zeta^r neq 1$ for any positive integer $r < m$. The element $zeta$ generates the cyclic group $mu_m$ of roots of unity of order $m$.

If in $K$ there exists a primitive root of unity of order $m$, then $m$ is relatively prime to the characteristic of $K$. An algebraically closed field contains a primitive root of any order that is relatively prime with its characteristic. If $zeta$ is a primitive root of order $m$, then for any $k$ that is relatively prime to $m$, the element $zeta^k$ is also a primitive root. The number of all primitive roots of order $m$ is equal to the value of the Euler function $phi(m)$ if $mathrm{hcf}(m,mathrm{char}(K)) = 1$.

6 roots of unity

In the field of complex numbers, there are primitive roots of unity of every order: those of order $m$ take the form$$cos frac{2pi k}{m} + i sin frac{2pi k}{m}$$where $0 < k < m$ and $k$ is relatively prime to $m$.

Primitive root in modular arithmetic

A primitive root modulo $m$ is an integer $g$ such that$$g^{phi(m)} equiv 1 pmod m text{and} g^gamma notequiv 1 pmod m$$for $1 le gamma < phi(m )$, where $phi(m)$ is the Euler function. For a primitive root $g$, its powers $g^0=1,ldots,g^{phi(m)-1}$ are incongruent modulo $m$ and form a reduced system of residues modulo $m$. Therefore, for each number $a$ that is relatively prime to $m$ one can find an exponent $gamma$, $0 le gamma < phi(m)$ for which $g^gamma equiv a pmod m$: the index of $a$ with respect to $g$.

Primitive roots do not exist for all moduli, but only for moduli $m$ of the form $2,4, p^a, 2p^a$, where $p>2$ is a prime number. In these cases, the multiplicative groups of reduced residue classes modulo $m$ have the simplest possible structure: they are cyclic groups of order $phi(m)$. The concept of a primitive root modulo $m$ is closely related to the concept of the index of a number modulo $m$.

Primitive roots modulo a prime number were introduced by L. Euler, but the existence of primitive roots modulo an arbitrary prime number was demonstrated by C.F. Gauss (1801).


[1] S. Lang, 'Algebra' , Addison-Wesley (1984)
[2] C.F. Gauss, 'Disquisitiones Arithmeticae' , Yale Univ. Press (1966) (Translated from Latin)
[3] I.M. Vinogradov, 'Elements of number theory' , Dover, reprint (1954) (Translated from Russian)

6 Roots Of Unity Meaning



[a1] G.H. Hardy, E.M. Wright, 'An introduction to the theory of numbers' , Oxford Univ. Press (1979)
How to Cite This Entry:
Primitive root. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: http://encyclopediaofmath.org/index.php?title=Primitive_root&oldid=35734
This article was adapted from an original article by L.V. Kuz'minS.A. Stepanov (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article

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