Evasio Train

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Specializations are now unlocked. You can now spend hero points in the training tab on specializations. Once you begin training a specialization, you can set your active specialization in the build tab of the hero panel.

Evasio Train

Evasion Training Us Military

Personnel and equipment, tax evasio n and avoidance practices remai n prevalent to a very large extent in the informal sector in Zimbabwe, Malawi, Botswana and Cameroo n. There is usually one passenger train in either direction during the day, though between the larger cities this service has of late years been doubled. It was afternoon, and the hour of the siesta, when Evasio Mon walked through the narrow streets of this ancient city.

— Specializations

Specializations, also known as trait lines, is a profession mechanic that allows players to customize their characters by concentrating on different aspects of their profession through various traits. Depending on the character's level, up to three specializations can be chosen, and each fully trained specialization provides 3 minor traits and the choice of 3 out of 9 major traits—split between adept, master, and grandmaster traits.[1] Players can switch back and forth between specializations when out of combat.

Each character in the base game can choose from five core specializations per profession, while accounts with expansion packs unlocked gain access to one elite specialization for each profession per expansion.

  • 3List of specializations


To begin training a specialization your character must be at least level 21, then follow the below steps. PvP players do not need to unlock anything, as all skills and traits available to the account will be unlocked while within the Heart of the Mists.

  • Step 1: Open your Hero panel and go to the Training tab. The Training tab is the third tab from the top on the far left of the Hero panel.
  • Step 2: Select one of the tracks under Specializations. Tracks are located on the left side of the Training tab.
  • Step 3: Once you select a track, it will become visible, showing you a circle with all of the selected track's associated traits.
  • Step 4: In the center of the selected track, there will be a trait, a button that allows you to learn the trait, and a cost (listed in Hero points).
  • Step 5: To learn a trait, click on the Train button and confirm that you're willing to pay its Hero point cost. Once completed, the next trait in the track will become available. Once all traits in a track have been purchased, the circle will be completed.

It is possible to train multiple traits at once by selecting a trait further along into the track and then clicking Train. Fully unlocking a core specialization costs 60 hero points.

Train Evasio 1€

Once at least one trait is trained in any specialization you may go into the Build tab and equip it into an empty slot. Traits may also be selected once equipped. Specializations may be swapped freely when not in combat. Specialization slots are unlocked at levels 21, 45, and 71. Level 80 characters will have exactly enough hero points to train all core skills and specializations—completing hero challenges will allow you to train skills and specializations sooner. Excess hero points may be used to train elite specializations.

Elite specializations[edit]

Train evasio horaire

Elite specializations can now be unlocked in the training tab of the Hero Panel. You must complete all core specializations in order to start training an elite specialization. Hero points are used to train elite specializations. Once you begin training an elite specialization, you can set it as active in the bottom specialization slot of the Build tab.

— Level 80 rewards.

In contrast to core specializations, which merely modify how certain skills and effects work, choosing an elite specialization fundamentally changes the way a given profession plays by altering or expanding on the base profession mechanic and providing access to a new weapon, healing skill, elite skill and a set of utility skills of the same skill type.[2] All core profession skills, weapons and specializations will still be available while an elite specialization is equipped.


Training an elite specialization is basically the same as a core specialization, however there are a few requirements:

  • You must own the respective expansion
  • The character must be level 80
  • Allcore skills and specializations must be fully trained

It will take 250 hero points to fully unlock an elite specialization and all points can only be obtained through completing hero challenges or purchased from a Heroics Notary. The first trait costs 30 hero points to train, with subsequent traits costing 10 points and skills costing 15 points each. Elite specializations gradually unlock the specialization specific traits and skills at the same time—there is no separation of traits and skills. Upon training the first trait you will also unlock the respective specialization collection.

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Elite specializations can only be equipped in the bottom (third) specialization slot in the hero panel, which has a faint golden frame around it. Elite specialization exclusive weapons and skills cannot be equipped or used unless the respective elite specialization is also equipped. Equipping a weapon without its respective elite specialization will have its respective weapon skills greyed out—making them unusable. Removing or swapping the elite specialization will cause any currently slotted skills to be greyed out.

List of specializations[edit]



ZealSymbols and spirit weapons • Scepter, Greatsword
RadianceSignets, burning and blinding • Sword, Torch
ValorBlocking and meditations • Shield, Focus
HonorDodging, symbols and shouts • Mace, Staff
VirtuesConsecrations and virtues • Hammer
DragonhunterHunt your target with improved ranged attacks, cripple and target lockdown. Virtues gain a physical effect, which can be further upgraded. Grants access to longbows and traps.
FirebrandBolster the frontline with melee support and Quickness. Virtues become tomes, allowing usage of several skills before recharging. Grants access to axes and mantras.


Core (requires a purchased expansion)
CorruptionResistance, Torment and damaging conditions
RetributionDefense and Retaliation
SalvationHealing, Healing Orbs and damage mitigation
InvocationLegend swapping and fury
DevastationDamage and Life stealing
HeraldInvoke Glint for improved health and group boons and effects. Improves Upkeep skills. Grants access to shields, the Legendary Dragon Stance, and the Facet of Nature.
RenegadeBoost your allies' attacks and hamper your foes with Kalla Scorchrazor's warband effects and Citadel Orders. Improves Ferocity, condition damage and Bleeding. Grants access to short bows and the Legendary Renegade Stance.


StrengthMight, physical utility skills, control and damage • Greatsword, Hammer
ArmsCritical hits, signets and bleeding • Sword
DefenseToughness and enduring of damage • Shield, Mace
TacticsSoldier's Focus, bolstering allies and shouts • Warhorn
DisciplineAdrenaline gain, Banners and weapon swapping • Axe, Rifle, Longbow, Harpoon Gun
BerserkerGo Berserk for higher damage and burning, at the cost of toughness. Grants access to torches, rage skills, and primal burst skills.
SpellbreakerCounter enemy attacks and remove their boons. Grants access to daggers and meditations.


ExplosivesExplosive Entrance, Power and Vulnerability • Grenade Kit
FirearmsCondition Damage • Pistol, Flamethrower
InventionsHealing, Protection and Turrets • Shield
AlchemyElixirs and boons • Med Kit, Elixir Gun
ToolsTool belt skills, utility kits, and endurance
ScrapperAOE Support, Crowd Control, Superspeed and barrier generation at the cost of Vitality. Grants access to hammers, well skills, and the Function Gyro to revive allies or finish enemies from range.
HolosmithWield multiple holographic weapons with the Photon Forge. Manage its heat levels for added effects to your skills. Grants access to swords and exceed skills.


MarksmanshipLong range damage and signets • Longbow, Harpoon Gun
SkirmishingMobility, traps, and weapon swapping • Sword, Short bow
Wilderness SurvivalDefensive combat maneuvers and conditions • Dagger, Torch
Nature MagicBoons and spirits • Warhorn
BeastmasteryPets • Greatsword, Spear, Axe
DruidCollect astral force and heal your allies with the forces of nature. Grants access to staves, and the Celestial Avatar form, which changes your weapon and glyph skills while active.
SoulbeastMerge with your pet, enter Beastmode and take on the power of wild creatures. Improves combat damage and conditions. Grants access to main handdaggers, and stances.


Deadly ArtsPower and poison • Dagger
Critical StrikesCritical hits and signets • Pistol, Harpoon Gun
Shadow ArtsSurvival, defensive abilities, and stealth
AcrobaticsDodging and mobility • Sword, Spear
TrickeryStealing and managing initiative
DaredevilDodge in and out of battle. Endurance pool is increased and dodging is enhanced with additional effects. Improves melee. Grants access to staves and physical skills.
DeadeyeSnipe your target from long range. Deadeye's Mark generates malice, which provides bonus effects to Stealth Attacks. Grants access to rifles and cantrips.


FireFire magic and conjured weapons.
AirAir magic, glyphs, movement speed, and spike damage.
EarthEarth magic, bleeding, defense, and signets.
WaterWater magic, defensive tactics, vulnerability and Cantrips.
ArcaneGeneral improvements, arcane utility skills, and switching of attunements.
TempestStore up your elemental magic and overload for powerful channeled abilities in an area. Improves Aura share. Grants access to warhorns and shouts.
WeaverWeave the elements together for new Dual Attacks. Improve damage, movement and self-sustain. Grants access to swords and stances.


DominationInterrupt improvements, boon removal and vulnerability • Greatsword
DuelingCritical hits, Clone generation and Blinds • Pistol, Sword, Spear
ChaosDefense and application of random boons and conditions • Staff, Trident
InspirationPhantasms, signets, mantras and healing • Focus
IllusionsShattering and illusions • Torch, Scepter
ChronomancerManipulate time in an area with Slows, Quickness, crowd control and Alacrity. Grants access to shields, wells, and new shatter skills, including the added Continuum Split.
MirageShadow Step, Mirage Cloak, even swap places with your clones to deceive your enemy, then ambush them. Improves Condition Damage. Grants access to axes and deceptions.


SpiteDamage, boon removal and signets • Axe, Focus
CursesCritical hits, conditions, and corruptions • Scepter
Death MagicMinions and Carapace
Blood MagicLife stealing, healing, reviving allies and wells • Dagger, Warhorn
Soul ReapingDeath Shroud and life force • Staff
ReaperChill your enemies and reap them up close. Death Shroud is replaced by Reaper's Shroud, which has a heavier focus on melee combat. Grants access to greatswords and offensive shouts.
ScourgeBurn and Torment your foes, punish their boons, all while giving a barrier to your allies; either around you or from placed incorporeal Sand Shades you command. Replaces Death Shroud. Grants access to torches and punishment skills.

Related achievements[edit]


  • If the player is wielding a weapon whose proficiency is unlocked by an elite specialization and selects another specialization in the third slot, the corresponding weapon skills will be blanked out until the player either removes the weapon or changes back to the corresponding elite specialization.


Evasion Training

  • The hover text on the third specialization slot reads 'Core and Elite', whereas the first and second only state 'Core'.
  • Specializations replaced trait lines and were part of a trait system rework in the June 23, 2015 game update.
  • Originally, it cost 400 hero points to fully unlock an elite specialization. This was changed in the October 27, 2015 game update.

See also[edit]

  • Elite specialization equipment — armor and weapons connected to the elite specializations obtainable via collections

External links[edit]

  1. ^Specializations, Part One: A Primer
  2. ^Specializations, Part Two: Reward Tracks and Elite Specializations

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