Plots Pane Options Menu Spyder

Plots Pane Options Menu Spyder Average ratng: 3,7/5 9926 reviews

In this article, we would learn how to save a plot as an image in python. There are times when one needs a matplotlib figure as an image file so that we can use it for other purposes.

To make them also appear inline in the Console, uncheck 'Mute Inline Plotting' under the Plots pane options menu. If I activate IPython graphics support and select Tkinter as backend, it works as expected, except that it do not wait for the call. Description of Changes Wrote at least one-line docstrings (for any new functions) Added unit test(s) covering the changes (if testable) Included a screenshot (if affecting the UI) I enclosed the warning about plots being rendered in the Plots plugin in top and bottom horizontal bars to solve issue 8520 Issue(s) Resolved Fixes #8520 Affirmation By submitting this Pull Request or typing my (user.

We can save a plot as an image easily by following the steps mentioned in this article. So let us begin.

How to save a matplotlib plot as an image in Python

In the previous article: Line Chart Plotting in Python using Matplotlib we have seen the following plot.

Now we’ll see how to save this plot.

We can save a matplotlib plot by using the savefig( ) function. This function saves the figure in the current working directory. We can give a name, formats such as .jpg, .png etc and a resolution in dpi (dots per inches) to the saved image.

Consider the graph as shown above and its code

  1. Hi, I have a question about using a notebook in Spyder. How do I move where the notebook pane is located? I want it to be on the same window as the editor but it stays on the same window as the 'help, variable explorer, plots, files' window. Mainwindow = runspyder(app, options, args) File 'C:UsersagnelDownloadsanaconda3libsite.
  2. 'Figures now render in the Plots pane by default. ' 'To make them also appear inline in the Console, ' 'uncheck 'Mute Inline Plotting' under the Plots ' 'pane options menu.' ) msg 'content'data'text/plain' = self. appendhtml ( (' ' n Figures now render in the Plots pane by default. ' 'To make them also appear inline in the.
  3. Ctrl + Shift + H Help pane Ctrl + Shift + X File explorer pane Ctrl + Shift + O (or Ctrl + Alt + O) Outline pane (show/hide) Ctrl + Shift + P Project explorer pane Ctrl + Shift + F Find in files pane Ctrl + Shift + L History log pane Ctrl + Shift + B Breakpoints pane Ctrl + Shift + D Online help pane Ctrl + Shift + F4 Close current pane.
Plots Pane Options Menu Spyder

We can save this graph by adding two lines in the above code

  1. fig = plt.figure( ) , added before the plot function.
  2. fig.saveplot( ) , added after plot and before ) .

Code to save the plot as an image – matplotlib

As seen in the above code, we added two extra lines to save our plot to the current working directory. You can find the current working directory using the os module of python.


Run the following code to find the current directory


  • We can set the figure size with the plt.figure( ) function.
  • plt.figure() function is called first and then the plotting function.
  • fig.savefig() function is called before the ).

Savefig( ) function explanation

Here, ‘line plot.jpg’ is the name of the figure saved with the extension as ‘.jpg’. We can give any extension like ‘.png ‘ , ‘.jpeg’ etc. We can also decide the resolution of the saved image by changing the dpi argument. A dpi of 75 is good if you want to put the image on a web page or a dpi of 250 or more is good if the image is to be included in a report or docx file. The argument bbox_inches=’tight’ is optional and is set if the labels of the axes are cut off in the saved image.

Spyder Mute Inline Plotting

There are also other parameters in the savefig( ) command. You can refer to the documentation of this command by following the link: matplotlib.pyplot.savefig

I hope you liked the article. Comment if you have any doubts or suggestions regarding this article.

Spyder Plot Codes

  1. from PIL import Image webhexcolor = “#4878A8” im =“RGB”, (100,100), webhexcolor) “color.png”)

Spyder Interactive Plot

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