Processionary Moth

Processionary Moth Average ratng: 3,7/5 7701 reviews
  1. Processionary Moth Zimbabwe
  2. Processionary Caterpillars In United States

Oak processionary moth is named for how they move in nose to tail processions. It is native to southern Europe, and is found in almost all European countries. The moths almost exclusively feed on oak trees, and build distinctive white silk nest on trunks and branches (3).

Distinguished from similar species by pale basal area of the forewing, and central crescent mark, which is small and faint. The Oak Processionary flies at night and can be found at light. The male is migratory but the female is much more sedentary.

Overwinters as an egg which can be found in batches on twigs. The caterpillars hatch in April and can be found until late June in communal silk nests, usually quite high up, on or often underneath a major branch, but sometimes lower down.

LondonProcessionary Moth

The oak processionary moth (OPM), Thaumetopoea processionea, is not known to exist in the United States but may pose a serious threat to oaks and other trees if introduced. The larvae of this high-consequence defoliator strip trees bare of leaves, making them vulnerable to other pests, diseases, and environmental stressors. Oak processionary moth is named for how they move in nose to tail processions. It is native to southern Europe, and is found in almost all European countries. The moths almost exclusively feed on oak trees, and build distinctive white silk nest on trunks and branches (3). Oak processionary moth can cause severe defoliation of trees.

Flight Season

Flies from late July through to mid-September in one generation.

Size and Family

  • Family – Notodontidae
  • Medium Sized
  • Wingspan Range – 25-35mm

Conservation Status

  • UK BAP: Not listed
  • Established immigrant/accidental reintroduction

Caterpillar Food Plants

The caterpillars feed on the leaves of a variety of native and planted Oak (Quercus). Prefers mature trees but can be found on bushes at least 2 metres high.


Can be found in broadleaved woodland, parks, gardens and other open spaces with isolated trees and scrub.


  • Countries – England and the Channel Islands
  • Established vagrant and resident

Oak Processionary - Stuart Read

Oak Processionary

Oak Processionary - Ben Sale

Oak Processionary

Processionary Moth Zimbabwe

Oak Processionary - Vlad Proklov

Oak Processionary

Oak Processionary - Vlad Proklov

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Oak Processionary

Oak Processionary - Vlad Proklov

Oak Processionary

Oak Processionary - Vlad Proklov

Oak Processionary

Oak Processionary - Koen Thonissen

Oak Processionary

Oak Processionary - Vlad Proklov

Oak Processionary

Oak Processionary - Dave Shenton

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Pine processionary moth

Oak Processionary (caterpillars) - Koen Thonissen

Oak Processionary (caterpillars)

Processionary Caterpillars In United States

Oak Processionary (larval nest) - Vlad Proklov

Oak Processionary (larval nest)