Quotes 50 First Dates

Quotes 50 First Dates Average ratng: 4,2/5 4484 reviews
31 total quotes
  1. Funny Quotes 50 First Dates
  2. Love Quotes 50 First Dates

Readers Digest U.S., Readers Digest Canada Best of the Web, Book Television, About.com Humor Site of the Day, NBC4.TV Los Angeles, WNBC.Com New York, Chicago Sun-Times, Dallas Morning News, BBC.co.uk, Canadian Learning TV, CBC Radio, SBS National Radio Australia, Go Daddy Radio, Edmonton Journal, The Sun, Zoo Weekly Magazine, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, newspapers and radio stations through. Sep 26, 2018 - Explore Chrissy's board '50 First Dates', followed by 6329 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about 50 first dates, first dates, disney love. 50 First Dates quotes 31 total quotes. Henry Roth Lucy Whitmore Multiple Characters. Old Hawaiian Man Ten-Second Tom Ula. View Quote While playing golf, Ula has ripped the stitches over a shark bite on his waist Ula: You think you can stitch me up tonight after I get back from surfing? Here are some memorable quotes from '50 First Dates'.Directed by Peter Segal, '50 First Dates' (also known as '50 erste Dates', '50 volte il primo bacio', 'Fifty First Kisses') is a Comedy/Romance film, released on February 13 of 2004 in the USA.

Old Hawaiian Man
Ten-Second Tom
Quotes from 50 first dates
You erased me from your memory because you thought you were holding me back from having a full and happy life... but you made a mistake. Being with you is the only way I could have a full and happy life. You're the girl of my dreams and apparently, I'm the man of yours.
Dr. Keats: Was your head shaped like an egg before she hit you?
Doug: Hey! Don't make fun of Henry, all right? It'th not hith fault hith head'th thaped like that!
Dr. Keats: Note the intense overreaction. That's the 'roids talking. Douglas, once again, off the juice.
Doug: It'th not juice! It'th a protein shake!
Dr. Keats: Doug, once again, off the juice.
Doug: It'th not juithe. It'th a protein thake.
Kid: Daddy, what's a nympho?
Ula: Uh, the nympho is the state bird of Ohio
Kids Ohhh.
Henry (to Ula): You're the state idiot of Hawaii
Kid: What's wrong with that turtle?
Henry: He has lung problems because he smoked too much turtle weed, which is bad for you. Right, Ula?
Ula: What? I don't smoke weed!
Dr. Keats: Tom was in a hunting accident and he lost part of his brain. His memory lasts only ten seconds.
Ten Second Tom: I was in an accident? That's terrible.
Dr. Keats: Don't worry, you'll totally get over it in about three seconds.
Henry: [begging Marlin to let Henry see Lucy and apologize after she ate at the diner] I don't want it to end like this.
Doug: Yeah, well, it's gonna end like this!
[Doug runs to beat up Henry but then Henry holds him down]
Henry: Calm down, little fella!
Doug: Okay I'm calm!
Doug: I coulda whooped his butt, Daddy but this gravel - I swipped on it and fwell.
Marlin: Then maybe you need to do a little bit more butt flexes.
Doug: Cheap shot, Dad.
Doug: Thith ith from Nick and Thue. They thend their betht witheth for a thafe trip.
Henry: That's very nice. Spam and Reese's. All right.
Doug: I love Thpam and Reethe's, can I have it?
Henry: Um, I guess.
Marlin: Doug!
Alexa: [After an aborted one-night stand with a woman] I guess I prefer sausage to taco.
My shirt size is medium husky.
Nick: Hey, Mr. Peanut Butter Cups!
Henry: Hey, Mr. Could-Kill-Me-In-One-Punch!
Henry: I don't think that's an option, Lisa.
Linda: Linda.
Henry: I know. I changed your name for your protection.
Security Guard 1: Hey Lucy, good to see you again!
[Lucy walks by quietly]
Security Guard 1: What the heck's her problem?
Security Guard 2: She doesn't remember who you are, bro.
Security Guard 1: Oh yeah. I suck at this job!
Lucy: [to Henry] I hardly know you.
Marlin: Actually sweetie, you're kind of dating him.
[Lucy looks at Henry]
Henry: Yeah. Sorry I'm not better looking.
Lucy: Wonder what's the matter with him.
Old Hawaiian Man: Looks like a stupid asshole to me.

50 First Dates is a 2004comedy film starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore about a man afraid of commitment, until he meets the girl of his dreams. But then he discovers she has short-term memory loss and forgets him every day.

Directed by Peter Segal and written by George Wing.
Imagine having to win over the girl of your dreams... every friggin' day.

Henry Roth[edit]

  • Happy birthday, sir. What are you, like, 200 today?
  • I have no life.
  • Sorry I'm not better looking.
  • Shit your pants? So did I.
  • Hey, Ula! Get back to cleaning the pool! And if that's one of your special brownies, don't let any of the dolphins eat that.

Lucy Whitmore[edit]

  • Can I have one last first kiss?
  • [repeated line] There's nothing like a first kiss..


  • [to his children] You kids suck; you're good at everything!
  • My shirt size is medium husky.
  • Sharks are like dogs. They only bite when you touch their private parts.
  • Your golf ball hit the cart, bounced back and hit you in the head. It was freakin' hilarious.
  • [Pretending to be Lucy for the video] Aquariums make me super horny.
  • Get your brother out of the dishwasher!
  • You got a cat? 'Cause I feel somethin' lickin' me.

Ten-Second Tom[edit]

  • [repeated line] Hi, I'm Tom!
  • Don't you think you're a little old to still be having wet dreams? (laughter) Hi, I'm Tom!

Old Hawaiian Man[edit]

  • Are you staring at me or her? 'Cause you're starting to freak me out.
  • [About Henry's drawing on a napkin] Can I have that? I need something to wipe my ass with.


  • Alexa: [After an aborted one-night stand with a woman] I guess I prefer sausage to taco.


Security Guard 1: Hey Lucy, good to see you again!
[Lucy walks by quietly]
Security Guard 1: What the hell is her problem?
Security Guard 2: She doesn't remember who you are, bra.
Security Guard 1: Oh, yeah. I suck at this job!
[After Lucy beat up Ula with a bat]
Ula: Oh, you crazy bitch!
Lucy: [to Henry] I hardly know you.
Marlin: Actually sweetie, you're kind of dating him.
[Lucy looks at Henry]
Henry: Yeah. Sorry I'm not better looking.
Doug: Thith ith from Nick and Thue. They thend their betht witheth for a thafe trip.
Henry: That's very nice. Spam and Reese's. All right.
Doug: I love Thpam and Reethe's, can I have it?
Henry: Um, I guess.
Marlin: Doug!
Kid: What's wrong with that turtle?
Henry: He has lung problems because he smoked too much turtle weed, which is bad for you. Right, Ula-la?
Ula: What? I don't smoke weed!
[While playing golf, Ula has ripped the stitches over a shark bite on his waist]
Ula: You think you can stitch me up tonight after I get back from surfing?
Henry: Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.
Caddy: I wouldn't surf with a bleeding wound like that. You might attract a shark or something.
Ula: What's wrong with that, cuz? Sharks are naturally peaceful.
Caddy: Is that right? How'd you get that nasty cut anyway?
Ula: A shark bit me.
Caddy: Nice! Go smoke another one, bro!
Old Hawaiian Man: That was pathetic.
Henry: Yeah? Why don't you choke on your spam!
Nick: What did Sue say?
Henry: She said that if I talk to Lucy you'll kill me with a meat cleaver.
Dr. Keats: Was your head shaped like an egg before she hit you?
Doug: Hey! Don't make fun of Henry, all right? It'th not hith fault hith head'th thaped like that!
Dr. Keats: Note the intense overreaction. That's the 'roids talking. Douglas, once again, off the juice.
Doug: It'th not juice! It'th a protein shake!
[Henry sticks a tooth pick in Lucy's waffle house]
Henry: Here, you should try this out. Put this here. Swivelly door. Waffleonians can come in and out now.
Lucy: Oh, are you from a country where it's okay to stick your fingers all over someone else's food?
Henry: Uh, no, I'm from this country. [pause] Were you gonna eat that?
[Henry pretends to get electrocuted while jump-starting his car, upsetting Lucy]
Henry: Hah! I can't believe you fell for that!
Lucy: My grandfather died while trying to jump-start a car...
Henry: Oh...I'm so sorry...I was just joking around.
Lucy: I can't believe you fell for THAT! HA HA!
Update Video: Red Sox win series!... Just kidding.
Update Video: Schwarzenegger elected governor!... Not kidding.

Funny Quotes 50 First Dates

Dr. Keats: Tom lost part of his brain in a hunting accident. His memory only lasts ten seconds.
Ten Second Tom: I was in an accident? That's terrible.
Dr. Keats: Don't worry, you're totally gonna get over it in about three seconds.
Ten Second Tom: Get over it? I mean, what happened? Did I get shot in the brain... Hi. I'm Tom.
Henry: [begging Marlin to let Henry see Lucy and apologize after she ate at the diner] I don't want it to end like this.
Doug: Yeah, well, it's gonna end like this!
[Doug runs to beat up Henry but then Henry holds him down]
Henry: Calm down, little fella!
Doug: Okay I'm calm!
Doug: I coulda whooped his ass, Daddy but this gravel - I swipped on it and fell.
Marlin: Then maybe you need to do a little bit more butt flexes.
Doug: Cheap shot, Dad.
Henry: I don't think that's an option, Lisa.
Linda: Linda.
Henry: I know. I changed your name for your protection.
Nick: Hey, Mr. Peanut Butter Cups!
Henry: Hey, Mr. Could-Kill-Me-In-One-Punch!
Lucy: Wonder what's the matter with him.
Old Hawaiian Man: Looks like a stupid asshole to me.
Kid: Daddy, what's a nympho?
Ula: Uh, the nympho is the state bird of Ohio.
Kids: Ohhh.
Henry: [to Ula] You're the state idiot of Hawaii.
[Henry has just said 'I Do' in his commitment to Lucy on the tape.]
Ula: Really? Even though in like 10-15 years, she could like posssibly lets herself go and then like sex could like be nauseating for you.
Henry: What are you, nuts? Your wife's right over there.
[Ula faces his insulted, obese wife, whom flips him off in retaliation.]
Ula: I'm just kidding, Mumu.


  • Adam Sandler - Henry Roth
  • Drew Berrymoore - Lucy Whitmore
  • Rose McGowan - Ula
  • Sean Bean - Doug Whitmore
  • Lusia Strus - Alexa
  • Dan Aykroyd - Dr. Keats
  • Amy Hill - Sue
  • Allen Covert - Ten Second Tom
  • Blake Clark - Marlin Whitmore
  • Maya Rudolph - Stacy
  • Pomaika'i Brown - Nick
  • Joe Nakashima - Old Hawaiian Man

External links[edit]

Wikipedia has an article about:

Love Quotes 50 First Dates

  • 50 First Dates quotes at the Internet Movie Database
  • 50 First Dates at Rotten Tomatoes
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